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Full Name 2373 - Tamagotchi Connection - Corner Shop 3 (U).7z
Filesize 23.9 MB
Region USA
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y is everybody complaining that it takes 3 minutes? usually mine take about ten and thats fast (for me)!
this game is da bomb
hello, um how do you download the games because after i do nothing happens,, and it doesnt work on my ds,, any answers!!! ???
love this game. is very addicting to me. annoys my bro when i put music on =) the tama tama tama and sooo on LOL
USually games take about 2 minutes, if that. Sorry if it offends you! Anyhoo. I'm glad they released another game! It's really fun!
it only took me like 3 or 4 minutes how can that be long
This game isn't that big, at least you don't have to use any points.
oh relay
The game's soooooooooooo easy. I beat #1,2,And#3! But, It did'nt download right. I bought the game with a gift card!