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Full Name 2607 - Driving Theory Training (E).7z
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Region Europe
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Urgh.. I loathe the fact that I'm English. I wish I was in Sweden..
at least us brits can win a war
whats the point
This is pitiful. Guys grow up, if youre so over sensitive id hate to see how you act in the real world. Lets talk about the game, how is it? Im gonna check it as my missus asked me to grab it, but hey, if its any good who knows i may fancy lessons myself ;)
Whats with these comments are they even about the game
Hi im using the ttds and i cant get the game to work
This games works perfect on r4 card with the latest data 1.18. Although this isnt a game, even those of us with a driving license for a long time, its always good to do the test and see how much you remember (or forget!!!). Things have certainly changed since I did my test so this is a good way of keeping up to date!
Well i'd like to apologise if my comment offended anyone as I didn't intend it to! Everyone country is different whether the people love it or loathe it but that was a good point Branraf!
Branraf: I wasn't being completely fair because you are #6 on the list and you've been moving up fast. You are also the country in Europe with most visitors here, at least if we go by numbers alone. The Netherlands brings a bit more than half of the UK and they're about 1/4th the size of the UK in population numbers. :)
Oh Seph, thou hath owned the British nation. But seriously, does everyone in Britain on any given forum/youtube go 10 minutes without saying "stupid Americans"?
British, im british, what have we got to be proud of, when a soldier dies he gets a free flight home, no police escort to the church or whatever, you have to be scared of putting up the union jack because you might be called racist or something along them lines, in the US you get a parade to your gravem, people line the streets with respect and honour to be american, people are proud to have their flags and they can get decent sized houses. Anyone that comes here, don't go to London, come near Birmingham, or close to scotland, then you'll see how many people are proud to be british. But apart from that britain is interesting(ly boring). I'm shocked that we're not in the top 5 most visitors though, i'll have to keep recommending!