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Full Name 2624 - Spore Creatures (E)(M6).rar
Filesize 16.0 MB
Region Europe
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Works fine for me, Foxy, hit the forums if you need some technical help. as far as the game, pretty interesting. I can see how it's really going to differ from the PC spore but taking it in the context it is, it's a neat, different game for the DS. I like, thanks for the upload :)
Can't get this game to work
Impressed with game and fast link.Cheers
Good game :3
Heard so much about this and been waiting for it's release. Fantastic guys....Cheers!!!!
Yes its good game.
Great job getting this done. top marks
Very Recommended, all tho! it doesn't have the full spore Experience but pretty good never the less thanks for uploading