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Full Name 2760 - Crash - Mind Over Mutant (U)(M6).7z
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Region USA
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this is a alternitive crash bandicoot the only differenc is it fighting move and control over mutants but its still the same no matter what
i have completed this game to ps2
I played this on the wii at someones house and it's not that good on the wii cause you can't kill Coco and that other guy that I can't remember, I bashed them up for twenty minutes and nothing happened! (:(
Crash just isn't the same the origanal game was much better. It was the first game I ever owned i really miss it!!
get this game on PS2. its way better
try it
it was stupid for nintendo to buy sony's crash bandicoot. I like the PSX versions better.
Naughty Dog's Crash games were the best. Why they sold him is beyond me. Same with Insomnica selling Spyro. LOL Nathan Hale vs Spyro The Dragon Round 1 Fight LOL AWESOME!!!!
not what id expect from the makers of this i didnt enjoy the game at all =[ the voices sound wierd well not really voices just yea wee and the rest id give this game 3.7 out of 10 it might have better good if it was 3d but idk
I prefer crash of the titans
Is it a 3d adventure though?
Does this game have cheats!