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Full Name 2787 - Nancy Drew - The Hidden Staircase (U).7z
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nancy drew games are best on the computer games...
What a disappointment!!! The book and film were pretty good but this game is terrible. You are given lists to find objects which aren't really hidden. You do six of these lists of about 6 objects on each, then you find the hidden staircase. There are no puzzles like the other nancy drew games. I recommend this game for people under 10 years old, anyone older will be finished in an hour and wondering where the rest of the game is, like I did.
lol, i've read this book.
Yes all of the games i got here work on my R4 DS
Is this for R4 DS?
Not a bad game but not very long - finished it within a couple of hours
This game is interesting but sucks
Not had much time with this but nice graphics and I gather a mystery whodunnit type of game?