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Full Name 2797 - Kimi no Yusha (J).7z
Filesize 24.7 MB
Region Japan
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ummmm.... is this a dating sim or not? what is its genre? maybe i should try it....
Where can I get the translation or the situs to download it????
There is a translation gonna try it sounds good
I love this game. The main heroorshould I say heroine is a witch. That is friggin awesome!! I got to the sea palace boss, cant seemm to beet him though. I want a translation of this game or a US release...NOW!!
The game got an average score of 7/10 from Famitsu, but who gives a damn, right? I hope this game sells enough to be released in the US, I'd go for anything from SNK that isn't KoF or Metal Slug.
Not really, "kimi" is an informal form for the pronoun "you", so "Kimi no Yuusha" would be translated as "Your Hero", or "Your Heroes", depending on the context. Anyway, this game is awesome!! ^^
Nah, i use one of the english to japanese translators on the internet
Okay thanks! Did you learned this on My Japanese Coach?
Kimi prince, lord yuusha superior individual yuusha hero, the brave, man of valour roughly translated kimi no yuusha means Prince the hero but you can change the name to see fit
What does Kimi no Yuusha means?