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Full Name 2844 - 007 - Quantum of Solace (E)(M2).7z
Filesize 20.5 MB
Region Europe
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lol awsome game
it so cool
It's a whole lot worse than it's bigger brothers on the home consoles
Bad Camrea positioning, makes me dizzy ~_~"
i was using r4i and it worked. 6/10
hmm... looks good
quantum of solace is a good solid game on ds every one is sayin. but does it have nintendo wfc
The 1st mission is hard.. I can't jump the roofs! lol But this game does kinda suck anyways...
The Movie Is Fully Sick But I'm Not Sure About Da Game!!!
I should imagine so, as i also use a R4 card, he, he, no one read that right, those are illegal in Australia You see, yet I have one, and am in Australia.
Im using r4 does it will work
Really poor game. Should have been FPS. Although it's fun using a Cheat.Dat to get the Golden Gun and 'Massive Bond'.