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Full Name 2906 - Star Wars - The Clone Wars - Jedi Alliance (U)(M3).7z
Filesize 139.0 MB
Region USA
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Usually mine freezes when the card is touch/moved while playing
When I choose start it just went black men is there a problem men?
Yea, some problem as most people, i got a R4, 1.18. Just freezes after i press start. T.T!
I got it to work on my edge but freezed after the first cutcene... it goes blannkk...
R4 kernal 1.19 allows you to progress farther onto the next cut scene but still goes blank.
R4 kernal 1.19 is fake and is not made by the real developers so i wouldn't risk it man
So if i upgrade my r4 to version 1.19 it will work? Maybe that will fix all my other problems with alot of other games that didn't work.
Get version 1.19 on the r4 and it will work
Its probably that it is 2024mbit and it like the 2nd game like that and out flash carts can't handle that speed. companies are getting smarter so maybe the flash cart companies will make a new version of the flash carts which can run at that speed.
Dstt might fix this prob with new firmware
I really have no idea what's going on. I have R4, DS Lite, original firmware 1.18 and my card is Japanese Kingston 2GB. It goes past the title but random hang-ups occur ingame. I didn't do anything special, it just works lol
Does this only work on R4 with high speed micro sd?