Tomb Raider - Underworld Europe

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Full Name | 3003 - Tomb Raider - Underworld (E)(M4).7z |
Filesize | 62.5 MB |
Region | Europe |
Can Download | No |
Rating |
tomb rader is the best game ever ive got it for my PC it rocks...honestly though great game that i recommend!
Did not work for me - blank screen
I have cyclo ds evolution. no problems here!!!!
Y the hell did it stop workin wen i went thru the first door in the prologue
When I was do with the first map the game become black. I don´t now whey.
Works for five minutes or so on my R4.....My R4 is totally up to date aswell. Ahh well i'll try the other upload :(
I am an avid tomby fan played them all, finished them all, this one is a good mix of puzzles and tricky routes, I myself found it a bit easy, but my 10yr old was hooked as was the wife who can't play video games at all, the easy bit is it is 2D only going left and right so the routes are quite basic, worth a look but I would have been disappointed if I would have paid full price 7/10
If you have r4 then you ned to update the firmware to 1.18 then it works
For me the game does not start.the screen becomes black and stays like that for an eternity :(
2,5-D like previous versions
It's probably a rubbish game. I don't know, but im assuming its shite