Age of Empires - Mythologies USA

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Full Name | 3050 - Age of Empires - Mythologies (U)(M2).7z |
Filesize | 99.6 MB |
Region | USA |
Can Download | No |
Rating |
It doesn't work on edge?
please! someone help me..
I an going to say this is pretty much Age of Mythology
Where can i download a save from mine is broken and i cant make i new one because it doesnt work
It wont work with R4 version 1.18, which R4 version do you people use to play this game??
It is a pretty good game...better than the last i would say.......but you would really think the ds has enough turn based least enough to where they dont have to mutilate one of the best real time strategy games of all time and turn it into a turn based game. the ds strategy games have somewhat disapointed me, this game ended up being turn based black and white creatures got canned and well robopocylypse just didnt do it for me. now there really isnt any hope for a good real time game. in fact this is beyond depressing for any real time strategy fan.......
^ I know! A RTS on the DS would rock! Nevertheless, this is agood game in it's own right. Much better than the first one.
This is turn based? thats crap this was supposed to be real time.
Thanks for this, really love this kinda game.
@Kurozuka: That is a patch for the Wii, not an Arm7 patch...
Thanks this is beautiful.
Here is the link for the arm7 patch owtopic=94755&st=0&p=1265830&#entry12658 30
it works with me just fine
I did the arm7 patch but when I try to start a game campaign or scenario the screen just goes black. Also there's no sound on the menu pages. Is there supposed to be?
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