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Full Name 3055 - Chrono Trigger (U)(M2).7z
Filesize 50.1 MB
Region USA
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Just use this AR code and it should bypass. 0204E334 E3A00000 0204E338 E12FFF1E 0204E694 E3A00000 0204E698 E12FFF1E
I can't use any tech's
just buy the original game.
Any problems with this and the Acekard 2?
I own this game it is great go out and buy this one so square will make a sequel.
one word "AWESOME!!!!!!!!"
great game. :) first played at SNES. it rocks!!
Never mind. Daggertail, just google "fixed chrono trigger torrent," or something like that and there are tons of torrented already patched versions.
I second daggertail. All the old pre-patched files are no longer active. Anybody want to give us a new one?
1ns0mn14's comments arnt showing up and i have tried loads of different patches,and infinite chaos' link is dead.plz halp
does the europe version is the same patch us version?
im kind of new to this whole patching thing can anybody direct me to how to patch this game (i.e websites, forum, anything)