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Full Name 3136 - Syberia (U)(M3).7z
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what is it about
I recommend playing this game on PC along with Syberia 2 if interested. Syberia is a fun point and click adventure game and a lot of it's quality is lost in the DS version. The controls on the DS version are terrible, character interaction dull, and the story is difficult to follow. I guess they had to limit some stuff to fit everything in a cart.
I have not played the ds version of Siberia but have played both Siberia1 and 2 (pc)And for a while were my favorite game (s). The graphics were great (6-7yrs ago). It was an interesting story about a woman who has to go to Russia for her boss (I really forgot why its been a long time) but what ever she was after took her all over Russia and Siberia in forgotten towns where she learns about automotons its a great story and a great game with a lot of puzzles. Its a simulation type game where your in charge of where you go and who you talk too. You should try it. Oh and I do not beleive it has anything to do with Myst although I have not played it just seen it in the store.
I have not played the ds version of Siberia but have played both Siberia1 and 2 (pc)And for a while were my favorite game (s). The graphics were great (6-7yrs ago). It was an interesting story about a woman who has to go to Russia for her boss (I really forgot why its been a long time) but what ever she was after took her all over Russia and Siberia in forgotten towns where she learns about automotons its a great story and a great game with a lot of puzzles. Its a simulation type game where your in charge of where you go and who you talk too. You should try it.
You do miss out on the amazing graphic effects that carried you though the original game on the PC...but the main idea is still there. I'm glad I can carry this adventure around with me.
Will give it a try.. myst got me bored halfway gave up in end
Syberia is a game similar to Myst in some ways but I love Syberia 1 and 2 for the PC and I'll play through it again quickly.
Different language? i hope more simplified english...
Syberia, at least on PC is quite a bit different than Myst, by a long shot.
Myst part 2.