Age of Empires - Mythologies Europe

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Full Name | 3195 - Age of Empires - Mythologies (E)(M5).7z |
Filesize | 99.6 MB |
Region | Europe |
Can Download | No |
Rating |
does it work on a m4 card?
I thought this game was just like the other one but WOW! this one is amazing I never thought it was almost same as the PC game Age of Mythology's I realy like it!! I almost played 60 hours xD:)
Lol nice one mr cheese
Played the first version
pretty cool
Its a cool game alone de houses are so smal
If you have the new r4 it should work
I have a new r4 does the game work on it
Get the latest r4 kernel and it'll work
I really like the computer versions 2 and 3 but when i got age of the kings it was crap hope this is better, what would you rate it?
It worked fine on SuperCard Ds One (v2).
About the game, It is generally like the Age of Empires: The Age of Kings, it has the same gameplay (Turn-based strategy).
This game has a lot of improvements compared to its spiritual prequel, it is a much better choice if you want a strategy game.
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