Age of Empires - Mythologies Europe

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Full Name | 3195 - Age of Empires - Mythologies (E)(M5).7z |
Filesize | 99.6 MB |
Region | Europe |
Can Download | No |
Rating |
Im downloading it now had a few problems with this game last time I downloaded it and also a few other games, but I upgraded my R4 card and now everything seems fine.
I'm downloading the (E) version but I doubt it'll be different from the (U) version.
Does not work on R4 Cards.
Any one could help? or is it because they need recode it?
Great game, but not so much human units per civalisations
Is this game any better than the age of kings? i thought that one was rubbish with the graphics, gameplay...everything really. I wanted a portable age of empires game because i love the PC version bt that was nothing like it! Is this any better or should i ignor it? Does it work on R4?
You dont need any patches! it works without any patches on r4.
Real Real cool game. I have played a lot of tbg but this is the best so far.
Were is the patch?
This game is good, you shoul try it out,,
Is this any good? I didnt like the first version of Age of empires on ds.
This website would help you how to patched: ?showtopic=94755&st=0&p=1265830&#entry12 65830
Does this version of age of empire need to be patched?
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