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Full Name 3212 - 100 Classic Book Collection (E).7z
Filesize 42.4 MB
Region Europe
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An excellent "game" for on the train or when you'd like a nice relaxing book to accompany a quiet scene. Currently reading The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.
i think a teenage verson should come out and a modern one to i cant belive they didn`t put dracula on this game! you can also download more books via wifi
For the French version, I hope you're patient: the game will be released in March, 5 2010...
Ok, good game, but not Europe version, it's just in English!
To whoever asked if you can save the page... The awnser is YES, you can. There is- like in real books- a bookmark so it is possible to be reading many books at once. This would be great if they could bring out a modern version. Or one for younger kids. Mabey teenage version for males and Females- Lots of poteneial
I really looked forward to this game, and i actually bought it! :'(
It's a interesting idea and well laid out but Books don't have much of an appeal
this will help me with my english, because its old english.. i think
It's in Italian??
no, it isnt available in french, just english.
non monsieur, it isnt available in french, just english.
I asked on the forums a good time ago, and it hasn't been answered yet, is it available in french? I just would like to know.