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Full Name 3333 - Big Bang Mini (U)(M5).7z
Filesize 7.1 MB
Region USA
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This game is just AWESOME. If you like shooters and games with great visuals, this is for you. The controls are easy, stylus-based and uses both screens. The graphics looks nice and colorful, and the sound is great, too. Worth getting.
This game is simples, beautiful and repetitive. you do 2 things: -slash the stylus up to fire at a target; -use the stylus to control and protect your hearts collector. Even being repetitive it worth the download because, when you are after something diferent for a change, you can play this. One more thing: it is simple, but not that ease, it's challenges worth the donwload.
16mb yep
haha! this game is 3333. 3 is my lucky number! im gonna try out the game immediatly :D
im with cat luver kool game (remeber 2 own those cats!@!@!@!@!@!@!
AWESOME GAME!!!!!! (woot! go cat enemys!) MUST HVE FOR DS
its 18 mb
i went on game faqs to check out the details(how the game is like)
A very well done game, a must have for any DS.
I would give this game a 7 out of 10 good but not amzing.
Warning, admins are going around saying not to do short posts like, ive been waiting for this, thank you romulation, unsubstantiated posts like, lol looks nice, say why its nice, good graphics or gameplay. MEtatron=God as Me=ADMINS
lol loks nice ;)