Dragon Quest - The Hand of the Heavenly Bride Europe

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Full Name | 3396 - Dragon Quest - The Hand of the Heavenly Bride (E)(M5).7z |
Filesize | 52.2 MB |
Region | Europe |
Can Download | No |
Rating |
Wow, wow, wow! I love Akira Toriyama and love RPGs, so this is already a blast for me and i read somewhere that it's the best DQ episode, Yay!
I have an M3 DS Real, i'll just wait for a system update. They're super fast for the updates, Chronotrigger (E)'s piracy check is already bypassed in the last update lol.
What link is that?
For people who use TTDS use DSATM to patch. Here's the link for instructions and codes. Make when you are patching make sure you have checked off these three things "Patches/Trainer" "Enable/Enable at start" & "DSTT?" Now it works perfect.
I had major issues trying to get this to work as well. For anyone wondering here's what I went through...
I'm using the M3 DS Real. I downloaded Narin's new cheat database, and uploaded "cheat.db" (overwriting old copy) to my SYSTEM folder:
I started up the DS, selected the DQV rom, went to the Cheat window and checked the protection check, set the cheat status to "Always on" booted up the game and could not get this to work.
Then I tried DSATM and got it to work:
Create a file called "cheat.txt" and place the following in it:
[color=#9932cc]Game Id: YV5P 9D159278
Protection Bypass Cheat[/b]
0200819C E3A00000
020081A0 E12FFF1E[/color]
Then open up DSATM, select the .nds file, the cheat.txt file and the file to write the patched version to. Do not change ANY of the settings other then selecting the files to read/write, leave all the checkboxes AS IS. Click on "Autopatch Game!" and once it's completed you're all set!
I uploaded an already patched version to megaupload for anyone who doesn't want to go through the steps themselves here it is:
Joker was great, but a totally different style of game. It seems it would be easier to make the 3D, thick cell animation in a monster-battle type format than the whole remade old-school rpg.
No offence, but the one like joker is the better style of dragon quest.
Ok does anyone know of a way to put the cheat in for a TTDS/ DSTT?
The torrent that ezgary provided for R4/M3 works. Downloaded it and am playing it now. Thanks ezgary!
Can anybody help me? I have the torrent; but I don't know what to do with it. (Cyclo evo)
Great game! An rpg that you should add to your collection :D
and it works great on my R4 with Narin's codes. Thanks Romulation!
Confirm, the M3/R4 fix torrent works well.
"silly question but this is DQ V right? I wasnt a fan back in the day so im kinda confused now with all this releases"
Yes, this is DQ5. For some bizarre reason Squeenix takes the numbers off all the European releases of the DQ games.
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