Rittai Picross Japan

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Full Name | 3499 - Rittai Picross (J).7z |
Filesize | 20.3 MB |
Region | Japan |
Can Download | No |
Rating |
Good news! I looked on GameFAQs, and apparently a European version of this game will be released on the 5th of March this year. That's great! Love this game as well. It's confusing, but more fun than watching monkeys tap-dance to Mozart.
This is a whole new game that's just really addicting!
This is 3D Picross and it's very cool.
The in-game tutorial levels make it easy to learn how to play, even if you don't know how to read Japanese (like me).
It's so awesome. I love it. ^_^"
This ROM doesn't exactly work when I boot it up with my M3 Real. How do I make it work? Please help me.
Takes a while or so to get used to, but once u get into the hang of it, its awesome! Ppl should start off 2d picross first, get the idea and then try 3d version! It's a great game n gets progerssively harder as u progress, really satisfying puzzler! thx :)
Anyone wants more understanding of this game check out some YT vids and have a read here (http://uk.ds.ign.com/articles/955/955913p1.html):
Nintendo Details 3D Picross
Download new puzzles via Wi-Fi!
by John Tanaka
showUSloc=(checkLocale('uk')||checkLocale('au'));document.writeln(showUSloc ? 'US, ' : '');
US, February 20, 2009 - In typical fashion, Nintendo
Japan has waited until pretty much the last minute to share details on
what will probably be one of next month's biggest DS games over in
Japan. 3D Picross (or, as it's known in proper Japanese, Rittai Picross) hits Japan on March 12, and at long last received an official website today.
3D Picross is, as the name would suggest, a 3D version of the classic
Picross DS puzzle game, itself a DS version of Nonogram or Paint by
Numbers. The basic 2D Picross game has players mark off squares,
eventually revealing a hidden picture. The new 3D version adds another
dimension, replacing squares with blocks. Using hints, you break blocks
and eventually reveal a hidden shape.
The game is controlled with a combination of the stylus and
buttons. To destroy a block, you tap it with the stylus while pressing
up (or x, for lefties). You can mark a block by tapping it while
pressing right (or y). These controls can be previewed in advance
through some movies at this section of the official site. The movies can be accessed by pressing the orange buttons towards the bottom of the page.
Nintendo appears to be packing the game full of content, with 350
default puzzles ranging from simple to super difficult. Video footage
of some of the puzzles can be seen on this page of the official site.
But the fun won't end even if you've cleared all those. Nintendo will
be offering downloadable puzzles via Wi-Fi. It plans on offering weekly
puzzle packs consisting of five puzzles each. You can store a total of
300 download puzzles on your system, although this space is shared with
puzzles that you've created yourself using the game's puzzle creation
That creation mode fits into the game's online plans as well.
Nintendo will be holding contests asking players to create puzzles
around certain themes. Winning puzzles will be included in the weekly
puzzle pack downloads.
With the Wi-Fi download packs and the user generated content
possibilities of the puzzle creation mode, 3D Picross looks like it has
the potential to be Nintendo's next big thing in Japan following Rhythm
Heaven. Expect to hear a whole lot more following the Japanese release
next month.
Awesome cheese! Gret stuff, i love picross, been actually playing it these past days, never get bored, and now a spanking version in 3D appears, oh yes, DING-DONG indeed!!! :)
Just wanted to reiterate that any fan of 2D Picross will love this. The interactive demos do a great job of showing you how to play without understanding any Japanese. This game is fun!
This game is awesome even if you don't speak Japanese. It's completely unnecessary since I doubt there is actually a story, and the tutorials are animated well enough for you to understand without words.
Definitely download it if you enjoy 2D picross!
You just need mind and you off to go with this game
seriously this game was fun
Well i like it but i deleted it..i couldnt read the stuff
its still fun though
Is this game enjoyable to those who don't speak japanese?
3D Picross is awesome. This is great for anyone who loves 2D picross.
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