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Full Name 3503 - Scrabble Interactive - 2009 Edition (E)(M2).7z
Filesize 19.4 MB
Region Europe
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Works perfect on R4 for me, (v 1.23 with 8gb card...) Looks fun..
Eerr.. v 1.18 - I dunno, it says 3.09 when I unzipped, but I guess it's technically 1.18 - anywho, doesn't work on R4
Not working on latest version of firmware for R4 for me :( (v 3.09)
Here! Here! Don't be too hard on the old English learning speaking chap, after all, he is the only GREY in the village! lol ;)
"yobs" that only proves that you, yourself, is an illiterate 'yob'
Eh, One thinks that one will download this whilst one sips one's tea and then one will have a jolly spiffing game of Scrabble with one's chums. Nah, i'm only kidding with the voice thing. I'm not actually the Queen but I will be downloading this game so I can become some sort of local Scrabble master (not hard, i live in an area full of illiterate yobs)
I played another version of Scrabble DS and as far as I can remember, Gray, and Grey are either accepted, as Color and Colour.
Grey/gray... I think matty could benifit from playing a little scrabble... for that matter so could I.
Grey is spelt grey in all english speaking dictionaries
Since the rest of the English speaking world spells colour the correct way "colour" it is ok for a few US folks to see how to actually spell things in the Language they speak. "Honor" is "Honour" and so on ..... that would be nice.
Extemehwahhh?! does that mean words like color is spelt (properly :P) like colour? and grey/gray?
Mmm, lots more filler. Unfortunately Europey Scrabble is harder because we can't spell things properly and add extemporaneous letters improperly. Hope you enjoy running out of U and E!