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Full Name 3507 - Enchanted Folk and the School of Wizardry (E)(M5).7z
Filesize 35.5 MB
Region Europe
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@Neshfi The original R4, wasn't even aware there was an SDHC version.
@mizztroublesome Are you talking about the original R4 or the R4 SDHC?
A question for those who say that the v1.19 works on the R4 ... Are you guys talking about the original R4 or the R4 SDHC ?
V 1.19 for the R4 works perfectly for me, am I the only one? Anyhoo the game is brilliant and though it plainly takes it's origins from Animal Crossing, you can tell in the first 5 minutes of playing that there is so much more to do and the world is bigger too.
Works perfectly on my YSMenu'd R4. so far, this looks pretty awesome, and much better than animal crossing. At least on this the characters have more memory than a goldfish, and will remember if you are mean to them.
Can someone post or upload a patch rom??? thanks
Ecstaesthesia thanx for the advice with patching, it works like a charm. this game is much like animal crossing and will swallow up all f your free time. looks good, and has a real cute and charming enviroment!
Thanks mistressaracana! gonna wait for that one then, since it keeps saying the save file is corrupted on this one. (im using acekard2 with akaio)
V 1.19 doesn't work, use 1.18 for now
Where did u get v 1.19 for r4?
Read my comment kealan
Noooo r4s must not be outdated nooooooo!