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Full Name 3540 - Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure (E)(M5).7z
Filesize 19.3 MB
Region Europe
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there is a patch version
it's probably because of heartgold and soulsilver's anti-piracy it really is a huge pain. thats why i'm re-downloading it
Omg it surpass soul silver and heart gold....! wow!!!
but soulsilver and heart gold atre waaay better
wow it surpassed soul silver which was like 100,000 more downloads before
awh!! sinnoh always takes the top rank more than jhoto.
what it surpassed soulsilver on the list.
dose it save?
wich emulator are you using and where can i download it ?
where to download the cheat version from platinum tellit ty then
Pokemon Pt awsome and Cool
Pokemon Platinum USA Version is sooooooooo COOL But not Cool as Pokemon Soul Silver