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Full Name 3574 - Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (U)(M3).7z
Filesize 78.2 MB
Region USA
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i need Game ID for this download so i can action replay this bitch and play it on my R4... for all who dont know, if games are not playable on the R4 then download a fix that compresses files and adds arm7
what is the Game ID for this game??
Bankaiichigo987's patched EOT is expired
how do you put in the code ? when i try to attack the entire thing just laaags like poop
i don't know what the code is for???
Try this
hey everyone :) as this guy said: "I'm using DSTT and it worked, here's the USRCHEAT.DAT file: Maybe R4 also work, too. Let's try it!" he's right. if you, like me, are using a DSTT, or have no where else to turn, give it a shot. works perfectly for me. as for the game: well it's brilliant. great graphics, great features, great fun. 4.5/5. peace :)
good game...i love final fantasy:)
where can i get the save patch so i can save the game ive tried lots of websites bt none of them worked
nice game, tq for romulation. i waiting for next ff tactic
i have it working on my 1.19 version of r4 to actually make it save you need to create your own cheat file and then bypass the protection from saving. you need to download cheat code editor then follow the instructions in it. Hopefully you will able to play it if done properly. And it does freeze sometimes but dont worry turn it off and on again and now that you can save remember to save often to avoid starting again because of freezez. Hope it works :) its really good
works great with the AR bypass code for my r4 Only thing is, the cheat.DAT file on gbatemp(for my r4) doesn't work with this rom, since they have different game IDS. Even after changing the code for this game on the DAT file using R4CCE won't work. I can access the cheat menu on my r4, but if i play with cheats on, the screen turns to white when i access the game. Must be some registry problem between the cheat file and rom. Anyone have a working cheat file for this rom specifically?