Super Fun Chess Europe

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Full Name | 3618 - Super Fun Chess (E)(M4).rar |
Filesize | 1.4 MB |
Region | Europe |
Can Download | No |
Rating |
Clubhouse games has a better chess game then this plus alot of other games.
does it tell you how to play?
... looks just like ordinary chess. so the title is super fun chess? still if it was super fun it shouldnt say that in the title. heres the real name for the game: NOT super fun chess
Super fun? Hahaha.
acually 8 megabytes
is their any super ultra more funnier chess II? lol
anyone played this game? i'm looking for a decent chess game for my ds
Well... Don't see the difference with other chess games == But based on the screenshots I'm not sure I wanna download this. Graphics looks bad. Maybe other chess games will do for me.
PS : Yeah I am a chess fan. But don't diss me please? @.@
You have entered the twilight zone.. sex is boring. chess is super exciting. :| deal with it.
OMG SUPER FUN CHESS!! its just a lame name to cover the fact that the game sucks? graphics could be improved
Wow the name says it all really...
@king rincer your mom has a small mind
All you fools dissing the game of chess, do you play advance wars or fire emblem or any tactical turn based game? Well guess where they got thier ideas from?? you have SMALL MINDS
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