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Full Name 3654 - Guild DS, The (E)(M3).7z
Filesize 20.4 MB
Region Europe
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Awespme now all we need is a total war game on dsXDD...of course i doubt it the games takes too much space (for anyone who doesnt know download rome total war best strategy game ever realism wise)
Hey it dosent work with my ezflash-i you know why?
Was fairly fun thenagain im the type of person who plays an entire civalazation game in one sitting
Hey i dony win any bargain!
It does not appeal to many of the younger gamers for some reason but I can say that I play both Guild and Guild 2 on PC with friends and it's an enjoyable experience. If you are the person that likes quick fixes or games that don't require a prolonged period of time, then don't get this game.
It looked interesting but when i played it, it was boring
What the!! this is a total mess .. sorry :(
Does not work in my ds .. i hangs every time i open the game stucks up when it is loading... sad even though my edge's OS is 1.45v
I play or watch almost anything anime related XD
It's a nice game... Try it..!!
Is this an anime game, i cant find it on gamespot
Hmm i 'm not gonna play this, played this if u on our deat bed lil bro was playin it and almost feel asleep