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Full Name 3728 - Super Robot Taisen OG Saga - Endless Frontier (U).7z
Filesize 73.9 MB
Region USA
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thank you very much
One of the best ds games I ever play I love the battle system I hope the second game come in english in 2011.
How can i fix this game it always crashes how can i fix it
I doth quoteth from another websiteth: "This is the boobiest game of all".
this was a great game, it was always fresh due near limitless amounts of combinations of attacks you can put together and the exciting storyline. i highly recommend this game for any rpg lover, despite tedious walks of out dungeons after boss fights 9/10
the gama is really good i played for about 10 hours last sunday. awesome storyline putting aside the exagerated bodies of the female characters. nevertheless a reallyyy fast pacing jrpg, with an awesome battle system and colorful maps and dungeons. i recommend the download
i'm using no$gba 2.6 and it crashed... any emulator suggestions from people not experiencing this stuff
so bored this game -.- i hate it! -.-
I wanted to play this game badly but I have some problems with the emulator it crashes in the training battle.Oh and I have tried with the Ideas and the Nzoom or something like that if someone would be nice enough to tell me their configuration by the way this game is awesome ^_^
can sombody say when super robot taisen endles frontier exceed come in eu or usa?
Xiaomu has a kawaii voice :D:D oh and KAGUYA, KOSMOS, Aschen, Mermaid Pirate FTW -hint-boooooooooooooobies-hint- XD
so great is this game i have finely end the game the end the world chance again but than al world are normal next to the other with out portals but the other details say i not that make it a mis of fun to play the game i play it agan to end it so i love this game a much