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Full Name 3824 - Disney Fairies - Tinker Bell (E).7z
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Region Europe
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The game language is Russian...
I haven't played it, but yes, Russian is a language. I have no idea why they would make a Russian game not in Russian... That's like a German game in Mandarin. (Which is Chinese, by the way...) lawl
downlaod disney fairies tinkerbell its the english version
I haven't played it, but yes, Russian is a language. I have no idea why they would make a Russian game not in Russian... That's like a German game in Mandarin. (Which is Chinese, by the way...) And also, why don't you just try it next time rather than wait for hours before people even (if ever) respond? Something to think about. I just hate comment spam. Hope this isn't any. >\_\_>
Is russian a different language? Because I've been waiting for this game.