Girl Time - Everything You Need for a Hip, Happening Life! USA

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Full Name | 3842 - Girl Time - Everything You Need for a Hip, Happening Life! (U).7z |
Filesize | 4.8 MB |
Region | USA |
Can Download | No |
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This Game Is Awsum, Im 15 And I Love It :)
I'm gonna download it and I'm 21 my lil cousin loves this game and shes 13. She let me play it o her ds and I liked it alot.
I'm gonna check it out. Looks good! It even comes w/ quizzes! I love those
Some of you need to get a life and stop griping on children's games. Some of you loved Power Rangers when you were little boys too. Guess how embarassing that'd be if you saw your past on film in front of everyone here? Yeah it'd suck. Let kids be kids Brothergoth. While I'm at it, go outside and do something.
This game was pretty decent for my sister to kill time with. I don't care much for it but its free, and it's there. She likes it, so I'm happy.
Its looks really like all the other diary games....should i recomend it to my class?
Girl Time seems to be the US version of Element Girls (E) released a while ago. My 8 yr old struggled along with this rom. As much as she would like to do this stuff, she has no clue how to juggle boyfriends (she believes boys are straight dumb) and has no other dates as with her 2-3 best mates from school for homework or playovers. Just the basic questionaire to discover your type gave her the overkill (and I had to translate some phrases into plain primary school talk). Though the game is let's say at least for 12 yrs olds and after.
I just HAVE to play the game now, after reading all this controversy about it here!
PS: lol @ buchichu for defending the game... it's shallow, its more like a toy in a toy section of wal mart.
Anyone else think goth is single? Also the DS is NOT a GAMEboy. Nintendo stated that in it's release eons ago. Therefore of course it's gonna have a "application" type program. Think outside of the box man.
Jeez. Seriously though, Girl Time isn't fun. No amount of self righteousness really changes the fact that it's pretty shallow even for a child.
Well said buchichu
Oh please.
Mysterywoman has a good (and obvious point) how many girl game and Imagine boards do you people have to spam with your idiotic whining? Get the hell over it. If you don't like the game, don't download it. How hard is that concept?? Why did you even go into the board for a game called "Girl Time" with no intentions of downloading it?
I must say if I was a girl I'd be screaming and writing "Zack Effron
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