Ghostbusters - The Video Game USA

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Full Name | 3868 - Ghostbusters - The Video Game (U)(M3).7z |
Filesize | 25.7 MB |
Region | USA |
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Huh? guys its a great game honestly ( REALLY ) play it for 2 hours get the control scheme buy some new weapons and KICK ASS, ive beat the first to Boss Jobs, Like Stay Puft, and These gate things where the ghost and reality cross ( I havent seen the second movie ) And the boss jobs are really cool and based of the movie, the other "side missions" are also great varying in difficulty and therefore if its a hard mission you will get more pay and vice versa, but take this from me its a Good 8/10 just play the damn bitch! ( and also, you can buy new weapons, well not buy research them then produce them, and you can repair the ecto 1 which comes in handy i guy above says its impossible to control, well notch the car up to full gear, ( Depending on damage) then just use the side buttons, its defo not hard to control, I know cause whilst i have had a chest infection, ive had time to play it!).
Ever since i played gta:chinatown wars, every sandbox-like game on the ds doesn't meet up to the standards. taking that in mind, this game is awful. it also doesn't seem to catch the atmosphere of the movies. this is a total dissapoinment
Hmm,the cartoon sometimes look good.
It need's music during the ghost fight parts : nothing worse then running around trying to chase ghosts with absolutley no music. Not to mention the equipment is a pain to deal with. But hey, its still better then 90\% of the shit on DS so thats good.
Well i cant say its best game ive ever played,lol, works with r4 1.18 fine!
Played it for half an hour. Yeah it's pretty shit.
I like how you still manage to categorize them both as "ass" somehow in #2.
This game is shit, feel free to disagree but all the good games that are ported to the ds or psp usually end up shit...
In other words, I do not hate the WII,PS3, or XBOX 360 versions... 2 reasons
1. Never played them so can't judje em
2. They look more bad ass then this piece of ass.
Been waiting for this one to come out but unfortunately its very disappointing, the ecto1 is impossible to handle you are given a time limit to get to a location and I failed miserably. I haven't even worked out how to capture the ghosts yet. Its good to hear the theme tune in the background though, the graphics are pretty good also. Maybe with a bit of practise I will find that its a better game than first thought.
All these negative comments are a real turn-off. I don't think I'm even going to bother with this one...
I was a little bit disapointed because it is clear that Atari just had the big console version in mind when they did this game.The cut scenes are ugly , the characters looks blocky and their faces looks like melted plastic-The controls are a real nightmare,driving the ecto-1 should have been a blast instead its a nightmare!.Really , they could have done much better.People keep saying its because it's for the DS! but that's silly the DS is capable of much better,look at Kingdom hearts or Zelda phantom hour glass or GTA chinatown to see that the DS can make some pretty good stuff if enough care is put into it during development .It is more then clear that the Ghostbuster DS is a rushed game thats probably why very little gameplay was shown prior to its release date except for that rather small trailer.It could have been a great game but because of poor development the only good thing about this game is the Ghostbuster license attached to it. Still thank you very much Romulation!
I had high hopes for this, sadly it suffers from a few major problems. Driving is horrible, the car drives like a boat and the draw distance is very poor. Controls during missions are very hit and miss, you will often be attacked by off screen ghosts and hitting them becomes more a matter of luck than skill. Team members A.I is virtually non-existant. Sound effects are ok but the music is very repetative using allot of short music loops. On the good side the interior graphics are quite good and many objects are destructable, shooting with the proton beam can be satisfying when it works. High scores for nostalgia low scores for gameplay.
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