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Full Name 3900 - Overlord Minions (E)(M5).7z
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10 mins ago I was playing "this" on my wii... the wii version is fair so I will take this for my DS ;)
My youngest loves it, he has all the minions travelling round together. My eldest who is 14 turned it off after 2 minutes. I think that describes it pretty fairly. Will try it out myself later.
Hope it will be gooo
Hope its great,does it come also on psp?anybody know?
Game works fine on my Acekard 2i. So far the game seems fairly fun, nothing amazing but it's certainly innovative enough. You control each individual minion instead of the overlord himself giving commands, ala the first Overlord. Graphics are somewhat choppy/blocky, but nothing terrible. Sound is mediocre, usual "triumphant" tracks that were in the previous games. The controls are what makes or breaks it, and luckily they did a fine job with them. You can selet a single minion in different spots on the map, or have them travel together as a party. Storyline is what you'd expect; it's original and funny but nothing outstanding. Not a bad game, but only entertaining at best. I'd recommend it.
Overlord was awesom! Overlord 2 is awesom! I hope this will be awesom!
Overlord ROCKS!!!!
Wait a tick. Overlord Minions? As in Xbox 360 and PS3 Overlord on DS? Cool!
1st! Been waiting for this! Also Devil Survivor.... taking a while but that's cool =) Take your time Romulation!
I hope they have really worked on this game instead of just making a DS title for the money. If they have this could be alot of fun!