FIFA 09 Europe

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FIFA 09 on the PS3 is a classic football game loved by fans for its realism and top-notch graphics. From quick matches to elaborate multi-season campaigns, FIFA 09 offers a wide variety of gameplay options for players of all levels. The game's intuitive controls make it easy to move, shoot, and play with pinpoint accuracy, while an extensive list of licensed teams and players ensures that every match feels authentic. And for true football fans, FIFA 09's online play lets you compete against players from around the world, giving you the chance to show off your skills and prove yourself as a true champion. Download your FIFA 09 ROM today and experience the thrill of this legendary game on your PC.
Anyone has English language pack for this game?
It's worth mentioning that this copy of the game doesn't have English language and it's very hard to navigate the menus as a result.
It's worth knowing "E" doesn't stand for "English", it stands for "Europe", as in any or some of the languages spoken by members of the European Union, as such it doesn't always mean there'll be English in it.
Anyone has the usa version or the uk version with English language then?
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