Test Drive 6 USA

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Full Name | Test Drive 6 [U] [SLUS-00839].7z |
Filesize | 208.6 MB |
Region | USA |
Can Download | Yes |
Rating |
Test Drive 6 is one of the most popular games available for the PSX. This popular racing game features a wide range of cars and tracks, with stunning graphics and sound that fully immerse the player in the world of high-speed racing. With our website, players can easily download the ROM for Test Drive 6 and enjoy the thrill of the race on their PC. Don't miss out on this classic game - get your copy today and start racing towards the finish line!
I love this game.
Are those screenshots from PSX version?
I think PC version was much better.
Awesome,one of the best racing games of PSX without a doubt
It would've been unquestionably better than Test Drive 5 if they didn't lose the General Motors license. Not having Corvettes, Camaros, GTOs and Chevelles brings it down in my view.
Very good game.it makes many fun
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